I went to meet Julian and friends for lunch and bought lunch back for Andy and Shiuan Shiuan who were busy I guess. I went down to play badminton, volleyball and captain's ball at around 3.30pm and had a jog of 8 rounds in the stadium!!! It's my first time. LOL. Anyway today's weather was rather windy, I guess it's about time the weather is starting to turn into the autumn.
I had dinner with samantha, julian and karen at a muslim shop and went off to Jian She 7 lu. 3 of them bought some stuffs except for me haha! We took a cab there and back. Did our shopping in less than 2 hours.
Back in WUST, eat my medicine again! Thanks to Willis who reminded me to take as I totally forgot about it.
4th NE Message: No one owes Singapore a living.
We find our own way to survive and prosper, turning challenge into opportunity. Through this OIP, I learnt to depend on myself instead of my parents. Though it isn't as easy adapting to a new environment which caused me to fall sick but I felt since I chose this path, I should try my best to adapt to the lifes here as soon as possible.
Been doing shopping the last few weeks during my free time and true enough, people here are hard to negotiate/bargain. It's through this challenges that taught me how I can improve my negotiation/bargaining skills. I feel that feeling this kind of challenges now may just create opportunities for me in the future in some areas of businesses.
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